Sunday, 11 March 2012

The first week in UITM that counts

It is the beginning of the new chapter in my life. A different environment lies ahead to get through. It surely will not be the same as before. A lot of thing I imagined in my mind on what it is all about to being in a lot bigger situation then before. It university time now, not the school. The first day of college is a new environment, it is nothing like school. You are going to a 'school' where you are known as a grown adult and not a child. Therefore, anything you do is all on you. However, every freshman in college has this one worry, which is how to survive the first week of college. So do I.

The first part of my days started in the college. While on the stairs, one of the guys that I met at orientation welcomed me to my floor and introduced me to his roommates. I then met my residence advisor (RA) who welcomed me to the floor with open arms. He seemed like a really nice person so I knew I would not have any problems with him. When I first walked into my dorm room, I wasn't quite sure about how my roommate and I were going to be able to live in there. I knew there would be no way for all my belongings to fit in the small space. I wasn't sure if I would be able to make this transition from home living to college living. Back home I was used to sleeping in my bed at night in my own bedroom. I wasn't used to sharing a room with someone else. But, whether I like it or not, I need to make myself get along with it.

There are nothing much to says about the first week. It is because the whole week was about the orientation week. All the days was with the same routine from morning till night. The activities had been fixed and need to be obey all the rules. One things for sure to all of us is that it the most tiring week of it all. No time to rest at all. One activity to another straight after. Everyday was the same, no chance to get know each other well enough   due to the time we had. It a relief to know that its all had been a past. So there is nothing good to say about the past. And I shall put it end here. That all for this time. Thank you

not really count!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

What family is,,,,

Family, in my opinion, is someone who loves you and whom you love either.It can be not only your parents but also people who are dear to you, whotake care of you. If you have someone who can do everything for you andyou can do the same – you are lucky you have a family. I think that thefamily in this point of view is one of the most important things in our life,and people who have no family are always lonely and moreover nobodytakes care of them. It’s wrong to think that your family is only your fatherand mother your family consists of all the dearest people. For exampleorphans have no parents but maybe on their lifeways they meet people whobecome dear and important for them and they name it family. Or when yougrow up and go away from your parents you meet someone who is anotherhalf of you – this man is also your family. To some up your family is yourparents, your dearest friends and sweethearts. To say about family like achild and father and mother it’s not always but often the worm of home andkindness of parents. The child without parents can’t enjoy the life otherchildren live. And we have to take care of people, who are dear to us,especially if you’re the only child in a family because all love and careparents give only to you. And you shouldn’t break their heart. From onehand it’s great to be the only child in a family but in some cases it’s not. Onthe plus side parents always ready to help you but on the contrary whenthere is too much care it seems not to be good, because you cannot showyour independence, do something yourself. Also you can feel lonely andbored. But your parents often do whatever their child want and if it’snecessary they help you and warn. They always spend their time doingsomething together with child to make him happy or teach something. Andyou have to appreciate their care and love. Because nobody except themlove you so much and know a lot about you. As for me, I am the only childin family. And sometimes I think about how will I live if I have a sister orbrother. Sometimes it is so boring to be at home along. I think about myparents, that all my childhood they helped me and did everything for me.But it doesn’t mean that I’m the main person in my family. Family it’s alsoour grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles. And the family tree has along history of generations that sometimes are so ancient that we cannotremember the member of it, the name and occupation. And of coarse weknow about our forefathers from our grandparents. As for me it’s reallyinteresting to know who lived before me. And when I begin to ask myparents about forefathers I find for myself a lot of interesting things. Forexample some features of character which I have or part of appearance. Butit’s a pity that I know not a lot of people in my family branch

What friend is...

       Friendship is no doubt useful Friends help in our difficulties. Friends save us in our dangers. Friends give us timely advice. Friends guide when we are perplexed. Friends wish our good friends like us from the core of their hearts. We feel relieved when we tell our sorrow to a friend. A true friend is our asset. Friends share our sorrow and redouble our joy. When we are in pain and agony our friends soothe us. They console us.

      But, we should guard ourselves against the false friends. Because some people pose to be our friends to meet their own interest. When their interest is met, they leave us. They sometimes betray us for their own interest. They never hesitate to sabotage. Such friends are more dangerous than enemies. Because they catch us by surprise.

      Besides false friends, there are another class of friends called summer friends or fair-weather friends. They remain with us when we are rich and they leave us when we are wretched. They share our fortune but not our sorrow. So, we should not depend on their friendship with us. The summer friends behave like summer birds, the summer birds come when we have summer. They fly away when the summer moves away. The summer friends, however, are not so dangerous as the false friends.

      So, we will have to make the right choice of friends. Otherwise in the course of life we will find some friends who will desert us in our misfortune. Some friends will also turn enemies for us. Some friends will be used against us by our enemies. So, it is not easy to make a choice of friends. It warrants our conscience, consideration, induction and foresight. For  choosing a friend, we must have a deep insight into the human character. We should remember the golden saying. "A friend in need is a friend indeed.
       In nutshell, friendship is noble. Friendship is divine. A true friend is really a gift of God. There are instances of men sacrificing their lives for their friends. So, everyone should know how to choose a friend and how to honor friendship. If we wish that our friends should be true to us, then we must be true to our friends.

Count to them!


Too much to say about grateful though. Every second for I am breathing, My heart beats, my eyes sight and this ears is listening, I am grateful for those to Allah. If I need to list all what I am grateful it will never end for ever even I am no longer live. But here, for my task and responsibility to my course and beloved lecturer, I will list at least 10 things that i grateful in my life. 

    I am very grateful because I am a Muslim. For that, all others thing I should give thanks to Allah. He is The Creator, and He is The One who has the power over all. Alhamdulillah!

2) Health
     In my life I am grateful for many things but I am especially grateful for my health because then I do not get sick easily and am able to do all of my fun filled activities. If I did not do these activities, my life would be very dull. By exercising a good amount it keeps my body stronger and it is a good benefit to my health. Additionally to this, I am grateful for my ability to learn things quickly, get things done easily, and progress swiftly. This aspect in my life helps me to conquer my tasks in an orderly matter.

3) Family and parents
     Another thing that I am really thankful for is my family. Without them there would only be half of my heart because then I would not have someone who cares for me and whom I care for as well. I am very grateful to have amazing and caring parents that are with me everyday. I would be lost without my parents because they love and support me greatly in everything that I do and help me to do anything that I wish so that I can be the best that I can be.

   my supporting friends are important to me as well. If I did not have my friends, I would be very lonely because then I would have no one to laugh, cry, and be with. Friends are very essential in my life, and I would be very lonely without them. To me, it is amazing to be with my friends

5) Sun and Moon(nature)
      If we did not have the sun shining, we would not have trees, crops, and the light that shines all around us. Though we can never fully see the sun when we look to the sky, the best time to look is at night. That is why I am grateful for the moon and the stars. This comfort from just a shining light makes us feel very reassured and know that everywhere surrounding us is love especially when it shines down on us from the moon.

What life does means to you? Is it how any challenge or fear can be overcome and confronted if we are brave and do what we know is right? Maybe it is the way that one drip of water can ripple and show how 
Karma is true and our actions are consequences. It could be the way that the tree of life tells what we were 
and what we will become because each leaf represents each one of us in a different way. To me, life is 
everything. That is why I am grateful for everything and everyone, everywhere.
.      If we did not have this in our lives, we would not be able to express our creativity and our feelings about anything that is important to us. Since we have freedom everyday in our lives, we are able to do activities that many other people and countries are not allowed to. By expressing ourselves we can make the world a better place.

      Our hearts give love to each other and help us to make the right decisions. If we give it our all and put our heart into what we believe in, we can see endurance, faith, hope, persistence, energy, motivation, and reassurance to each other. With our heart, we are all colorful, filled with personality, and special in many different ways.

9)My grandparents
      I am also very appreciative of my grandparents. Spending time with my grandparents is really important to me because they can tell me wonderful stories about my family and their childhood, and I can learn about all of the hard times that they have gone through. By telling me these many memorable things, I know that they greatly care for and love me.

    I am very grateful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, and how I have many privileges each day in my life. Everything that is around me such as plants, animals, water, mountains, people, air, the list could go on and on I am grateful for because without these all world could be nothing.

Count everything!

Thursday, 8 March 2012


      Every one have their own memory of it. Some take it as sad moment and some other think it is life. MY question is, is teenage love puppy love? Is it trial love? Is it true love? It seems that most teenagers are getting involved with members of the opposite sex as a form of entertainment.

There are some views from some people. Some of them say falling in love is a bad thing for teenagers. They are not mature and they may get hurt when love is over. And it will take several months to recover. More serious is that they may have sex when in love. Due to their ages, they don’t have any capability to assume responsibility for it if the girls to be pregnant, especially the girls’ parents complain. Because generally the girls, which are pregnant, will be the victims of the love affair. So some parents may warn their children about ignoring their lifelong true friends for someone who was just passing through.

But I think that these people just have very short memories and no longer recall the realities of love while they were in it. Teen love is quite real because of their innocent young mind. The purpose of love is pure, not because of money, power or status, or some other things have nothing to do with love. The motive of loving starts from human beings. Love is the fact of life, especially for teenagers. It is the thing that is important and central to human existence. It is not like the lights or some other electrical goods can be turned on and off. It is involuntary and automatic. 

The reality is that Puppy love is something that can be remembered to the end of our lives. I've heard many people on TV talk how they will never forget their first love. And lots of people even have happily married still have a small flame that burns for their first true loves. Is there something magically about that? Maybe that's because it taught them how to love.

Love is something that can be extremely confusing and frustrating. I know that as a teenager love was extremely confusing and frustrating to me. And I always want it be only known by me and her. I will not write it here and tell about it. But for sure, puppy love has it own effect on me. It make me know who I am. That all about puppy live I can tell you about. Thanks for read.

It is count!!