Tuesday 17 January 2012

10 facts about me!

I am a funny person. I am able to make others lough and smile without saying a words. but the truth that other do not know is, actually at the first time i am not in the nature of a funny person. I am a bad tempered guy and always serious in things. there was many time I made someone cry for scolding them and frequently get involve in a fight. Then one day I realize it made me worst and worst. So i start make fun of it. Made fool to myself and put a smile on someone face. Then is getting better and better until I am what I am now.



As you can see at my first facts about me, this friendly fact is the pro and cons for it. As I became a funny person, I also transformed to a friendly guy. I make friends with a lot of people with a lot of behavior. there is no limits for me to be friend with all of them. I can be naturalize in any situation and get along with them. It gives me many experience and teach me on how to react with people.


everyone has their own secret. And secret itself has many kind. there is secret that hurts, secret that protective,secret that keep the relationship, secret that lovely. as the name is secret, its should not to be told until it reveal itself in its own way. I myself have a little bit of secrets. And I will never tell about what it is and keep it just with myself. It teach me to be responsible in order to keep it as a secret.

This is based on true story. There was a school, a well-known school, school for cluster student. It held a occasion where all the student with their parent came all together performing 'solat hajat' for the SPM exam that will came during that time. There is a moment where they all gathered sitting in line (saf) and waiting for the azan. In one particular place, a boy were sitting besides of this uncle which is father to one of those student. they chat among them about all the things and issues. Then, after all the chat, the moment that the boy can't forget happened. When the awkward times after all his chat with that uncle, the uncle asked him, " where is your son? ". with a poker face to cover the shame, the boy answered " my son at back playing with his friend". and that boy is me. 

it's right! just to be honest to every one, I am a lazy person. Always do things on just-in-time system (JIT). once a month if lucky I will tidy up my things neatly. but if unlucky, the things will be as they were forever. I rarely doing work by myself and usually doing at the easiest and simplest way. I have a lot of interest in sleep so sometimes I spend a lot of times to put it on a test. And the result is not bad.

 I got the magic in me. I can changes thing to another. I got the ability to vanish card and return it back. With a look in a ayes, I can predict the card that they think. You may call me illusionist, some call me cheater. You can call me anything you like but you might surprise what i can do. Everybody knows I got the magic in me. These trick I attempt will blow your mind. I'll hypnotize you with every spells I know. I'll have your time-travelling,have your mind babbling. Some people try to inherit my skill but failing. And that all about my magic.

There is not much I can say about this facts. I accept this as one of my fact about me because people around me say that I am tricky. Sometimes I do not understand why they say that. I don't really remember if i had did trick them. I do can trick people to be deceived with my magic skill.I have be given gift to make some people to enjoy my show, but I do not know if that is a trick. so I cannot explain about this fact. if you really want to know it, come and ask my friends and people around me. Thank you.

I am extravaganza! I never had more money in my pocket. It never enough. It is all because I will always spent it. I am bad in saving. I cannot have more money than usual, it will be spent to something actually I do not really need. Well, that the fact!

I think the fact is everyone has this fact. Everyone is caring. At least they are care to themselves. Am i right? I also care about myself. but I do care about others. i care about my parent, my friends, my society, everything I do care. I cannot watch them hurt or anything bad happen to them. they are all connect to me. I do love them. But the first to love is certainly Allah. We have our responsibility to Him. Alhamdullilah.  

It is right. sometimes my friend puzzled with me. I also do puzzled with myself. the more I think the more it get more puzzled. It hard to be solved. but it will! it just life need to be go on. Life will show us the way to get to it. by God will, we may find it is wonderful to be puzzled. We never know.


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